My Real Personal Jazz Gig Book

Ideal for vocalists! You choose your songs. You choose your keys. Simply pick which songs you want from our list.

Tell us the key you want them in or tell us your comfortable range. We will place that tune within it.

All books are spiral bound with your name and mobile phone number on the cover and on each tune, so everyone knows it's your personalised tune they're playing.

All songs will appear in alphabetical order. Email us for a song list!

Pricing (Concert Key Books)

Up to 30 tunes $AU 66.00 Plus $AU 10.00 postage & handling
Up to 50 tunes $AU 96.00 Plus $AU 12.50 postage & handling
Up to 100 tunes $AU 165.00 Plus $AU 15.00 postage & handling
Over 100 tunes P.O.A.  

All prices include G.S.T. Postage & handling charges subject to change.

Bb, Eb, & F Instrument Books also available at 50% of Concert Book prices when ordered with a Concert Book.

Contact us on 08 8248 1670 or